At home with the Reggio Approach

#Istayathome has become a daily way of life for all of us, children, parents, teachers, and educators. We are living in difficult times, and precisely because of these difficulties we want to continue being a community.

Each day Reggio Children and the Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres – Istituzione of Reggio Emilia Municipality, are continuing to develop ideas and initiatives, for us to stay together, play together, and make school together.

 RC 2020 Social Racconti ENG2


A selection of stories recorded by teachers, educators, and staff in Reggio Emilia’s infant-toddler centres and preschools during these weeks of closed schools and which have already been sent home to families. Available free of charge on the Reggio Children channel at Spotify. The stories are in Italian.




RC 2020 Social Giocare ENG2


Advice and suggestions for games to play and invent at home: ideas for passing the time with a quality series of activities offered by teachers, educators and staff in Reggio Emilia’s infant-toddler centres and preschools and at Reggio Children.


Sound Riddle

> Sound riddle - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 

> Sound riddle - Playlist 2

Sound riddle - Playlist 3

 > Photo riddles


Investigating through drawing

> Zoo of drawings

> Trasformations


Plyaing with digital

Table landscapes


Identities in transformation

> With a bean

> A walnut


A proposal for children aged 0-3

Polysensorial carpets of paper

Playing with everyday objects



RC 2020 Social Scuola ENG2 


Ideas for small projects with children on different themes - maths, drawing, and more - for educator, teachers and parents.


Investigating through drawing

> Tree are family 

What if you were a…?

Story-inventing cards


Investigating natural phenomena 

Creating rainbows

Looking for rainbows


Playing with numbers

Making lines and towers

Numbers at table

The numbers on our fingers



RC 2020 Social Filastrocche ENG2 


This project was launched for the 2020 Night of Tales to collect nursery rhymes in different languages and create a Golden Record, like the ones carried on the Voyager spacecrafts. The collection can be heard on and one day it will be able to voyage between heaven and earth.

The project continues with a new and extended collection of nursery rhymes that we are inviting children to contribute.

Send your audio recordings to WhatsApp (+39) 3207681111 or

> Rhymes and riddles on heaven and earth



RC 2020 Social Bookshop ENG2 


A special selection of suggestions, ideas and book extracts from the Reggio Children Bookshop at the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre, with teachers, educators, children, and families in mind.


Recipes taken from "The languages of food"

> Bruschetta with vegetable topping

Semolina Gnocchi

> Pudding

> Bean croquettes

> Desert roses

> Pinwheels

Lemon Cake



These ideas are taken from the book Mosaic of graphics, words, material

> Drawing differently

Other kinds of “paper”

Whites and blacks are lots of colours


Stories taken from our selection of children books by authors and publishers around the world

WhatsApp Image 2020 03 30 at 14.11.58

The Concert by Reggio Children Bookshop in collaboration with the Balducci municipal Preschool. Translated and read by Jane McCall 





Schermata 2020 04 22 alle 14.42.42


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