Reggio Children | Loris Malaguzzi International Centre | Reggio Emilia Approach

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Opening times

From Monday to Friday

10:00 am  – 4:30 pm

Bookshop: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm







Read the Faq

Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi

For more information:
Reggio Children S.r.l.
Loris Malaguzzi International Centre
Viale Ramazzini 72/A – 42124 Reggio Emilia – Italy
tel. +39 0522 513752

How to arrive

Car: exit the motorway at Reggio Emilia, take the “tangenziale” ring-road, direction Modena, take exit 3 “Aeroporto di Reggio Emilia”

Train: arriving at the Central Station, take the pedestrian underground passage, and exit in Piazzale Europa


High Speed “AV” Train: arriving at the AV Mediopadana Station take bus no. 5, or no. 9, and alight at Central Station. Take the pedestrian underground passage and exit in Piazzale Europa

For bus routes and timetables:

Contact us

L'asterisco (*) indica i campi obbligatori

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