+39 0522 513752
Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi
Viale Ramazzini, 72/A
42124 Reggio Emilia - Italia
Mark making and drawing is a language much used by children from the earliest years. Children very soon discover the pleasure of composing marks on different surfaces.
When we draw we make portraits of living things and objects, give shape to projects and fantastical worlds, communicate our ideas and emotions.
Drawing isn't only an art activity, it's a language, promoting strategies that are useful for every field of knowledge.
This Atelier offers an opportunity to transform the code of writing, using graphic marks and drawings to communicate in fuller and more immediate ways on the identities of objects usually indicated by a word.
You will find a list of the easy-to-find materials you need to take part in the Atelier in your reserved area
Each of us will be able to construct our own autonomous process of research, flanked and supported by Reggio Children's atelieristas, finding ideas and prompts for working with children of different ages.
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This Atelier is for: teachers, educators, curious people and those interested in education
Number: there is a limit of 25 people per session
Language: Italian, with simultaneous translation into English
Time: All Ateliers times are given in Central European Time (CET), which is local time in Italy. Please be careful to calculate what time this corresponds to in your own location before deciding which Atelier to sign up for
Tools needed: a computer with webcam that you will need to keep on during the atelier. If you're using a tablet or a smartphone make sure you also have a stand for them and that you can manage your viewing and framing. Without these tools you won't be able to do the online Atelier.
Link for participants: on the day of the atelier you will be able to connect to zoom directly from your Reserved Area.
The Hundred Languages of Children
Reggio Emilia, a history of the present
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