+39 0522 513752
Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi
Viale Ramazzini, 72/A
42124 Reggio Emilia - Italia
An educational, ecological, urban project dedicated to the topic of the bicycle, which involved childrenand teenagers from Infant-toddler Centre to High school and led to the permanent installation Bicitante (Bikes... lots!) in the pedestrian tunnel of the railway station of ReggioEmilia. The book presents an unusual collection of unpredictable, surprising and ironic bicycles.
With texts by Giulio Ceppi, Graziano Delrio, Elena Giacopini,Ole Lambertsen, Stefano Maffei, Sonia Masini, Roberto Montanari, Giovanni Piazza, Romano Prodi, Guido Viale et al.
Graphic design by Roberta Vignali English translation by Leslie Morrow
2016, 128 pagesISBN 978-88-87960-68-6
Also available in Italian
Euro 22,00
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