+39 0522 513752
Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi
Viale Ramazzini, 72/A
42124 Reggio Emilia - Italia
Recipes, experiences, thoughts
We are what we eat! But what do we eat? In Reggio Emilia the choice of having and keeping kitchens inside every municipal infant-toddler centre and preschool has always had a strong pedagogical and cultural meaning. Kitchens become a virtuous weave of local culinary tradition, ecology, culture of dialogue, art, and the world. The time for lunch becomes a space of relations and encounter with others and the world.From this context a cook book was born, made of good recipes, experiences, projects, thoughts.
Edited by Ilaria Cavallini and Maddalena Tedeschi
Graphic design by Marco Appiotti with Rolando Baldini
English translation by Leslie Morrow
2008, 112 pagesISBN 978-88-87960-48-8
Also available in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese
Write to ordini@reggiochildren.it to receive a personalized quote with shipping costs
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Resonances between dance and music
Cento domande e mille risposte possibili per genitori e bambini che crescono
Tecniche, esperienze, immaginari
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