+39 0522 513752
Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi
Viale Ramazzini, 72/A
42124 Reggio Emilia - Italia
Giochi di finzione al nido fra pesci e bambini
Make-believe with children and fish at the infant-toddler centre
An extraordinary adventure between one- and two-year- old children and little fish in the Rodari Infant-toddler Centre of Reggio Emilia.
“The whole story is silent, like in the old movies of Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Laureland Hardy, as if the children were their rightful heirs… The story unfolds without spoken words, but they are here in disguise, pervading the children’s experiences in a secret stream that ensures the continuance of dialogue and reciprocity, the feeling of being alive, listened to, understood.” Loris Malaguzzi
Edited by Sonia Cipolla and Evelina Reverberi
English translation by Leslie Morrow and Giordana Rabitti
1996, 72 pagesISBN 978-88-87960-07-5
Also available in German, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Catalan
Euro 12,00
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Visual metaphor in children’s learning processes
Resonances between dance and music
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