Publishing news: "A festive thought"

Visual metaphor in children's learning processes

A festive thought. Visual metaphor in children's learning processes, the new book edited by Reggio Children Publishing, is out now.


The calaog is based on a research carried out by Reggio Children, the Istituzione of Preschools and Infant-Toddler Centres of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, and the Department of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, which investigates and seeks to make visible the mental processes activated in infant-toddler and preschool children through visual metaphor.


Order your copy now at your local distributor. Check this page and contact the distributor nearest to you. 


Want to know more?

We have put together a selection of images and text in the catalogue.
If you'd like a taste of the catalogue content visit the web page dedicated to A festive thought.


Reggio Emilia Approach

Il Reggio Emilia Approach® è una filosofia educativa fondata sull’immagine di un bambino con forti potenzialità di sviluppo e soggetto di diritti, che apprende attraverso i cento linguaggi appartenenti a tutti gli esseri umani e che cresce nella relazione con gli altri.

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