Children and Nature

This webinar is part of SERIES OF WEBINARS ON THE 100 LANGUAGES - The 100 languages of children and adults. These webinars were recorded in October-November 2020.

This webinar is on demand. You can view it whenever you like for 6 months after purchase, in your personal area.

Green spaces in cities and schools often risk being considered separate from daily educational contexts, but natural environments can be re-conceived as spaces favourable to an encounter with the plurality of languages of both children and adults, offering specific journeys of investigation and self-knowledge to each.

This webinar offers experiences in which a relationship with the natural environment has been part of our daily design thinking, weaving opportunities for research and the discovery of new meaning between indoors and out, making teachers and children more attentive and sensitive to the ecological gaze that connects micro and macro, and encourages connections and ties between the many subjects we get close to.

The focus of this webinar is an invitation to shift the centre of gravity in education from classroom to natural environment, to redefine school’s identity and imagine it capable of promoting osmosis and synergy between indoors and out, reciprocally enriching both.

Reggio Emilia Approach

Il Reggio Emilia Approach® è una filosofia educativa fondata sull’immagine di un bambino con forti potenzialità di sviluppo e soggetto di diritti, che apprende attraverso i cento linguaggi appartenenti a tutti gli esseri umani e che cresce nella relazione con gli altri.

Restiamo in contatto
